

Veterans and Service Members Resources

BG真人大游APP is approved by the Arkansas State Approving Agency to provide education and training to Service Members of the United States of America Armed Forces and Veterans that have earned an education benefit. Military Education Benefits include 学费援助, 蒙哥马利退伍军人法案 (30章 & 1606), 9/11后的GI法案® (33章), Survivors and Dependents Assistance (第35章) VA Vocational Readiness and Employment (31)章.  bg真人游戏注册’s VA School Certifying Official (SCO) for military education benefits is located in the 咨询中心 on the 南校区 of BG真人大游APP.  The SCO will certify to the VA the service member’s approved degree or certificate and will also certify that the veteran is taking courses within the approved degree plan each semester.

The bg真人游戏注册 VA School Certifying Official may be contacted by calling 870.391.3223.  所有 service members and/or dependents can contact the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Regional Office in Muskogee, Ok for information regarding their qualifications for these programs by calling 1.888.442.4551 or visiting their website.
  • 在线申请 在VA网站上 for educational benefits, the VA will then provide you with a Certificate of Eligibility (COE) that is to be provided to the bg真人游戏注册 School Certifying Official.
  • 完成 bg真人游戏注册 招生 requirements, enroll into classes, and apply for Federal and State financial aid.
  • 完成 Certification Request Form each semester to receive the VA educational benefit.
    • VA students must be working toward a degree/certificate that has been approved by the VA and must be following the curriculum as outlined for their degree plan in the catalog, other courses cannot be certified.
    • VA will not pay for non-required repeat of classes; if BG真人大游APP requires you to repeat the course in order to receive credit towards your degree,n VA will consider that required repeat and the course will be applied towards the hours required for you to receive benefits.
    • Your benefit will be paid according to your rate of pursuit, 12 credit hours within a normal length (16 weeks) semester is considered full time or 100% rate of pursuit.
  • VA students are responsible to notify the bg真人游戏注册 School Certifying Official of any changes 通过 Certification Request Form 在他们的学期状态中 (i.e. 添加/删除类, 退学, 毕业, change major) by resubmitting the Certification Request Form.
  • Regular attendance of all classes is a requirement for VA payments. If you stop attending a class, VA will be notified and you may be required to pay back benefits to the VA or bg真人游戏注册.
  • 注册验证 must be made at the end of each month if the veteran is receiving chapter 30, 33, 或者1606年福利, or are pursuing a certificate. 注册验证 may be made by calling 1.877.823.2378 or online through W.A.V.E, http://www.gibill.va.gov/wave/vba/or by enrolling into the VA texting system.

1.  Initiate 学费援助 (TA) authorization from your Educational Service Officer (ESO) or counselor within your military service prior to enrolling into college.
2.  Apply for TA based on the specific process of your military branch.

Each military service branch and component has its own criteria for 学费援助 eligibility, military service obligation, 申请过程, 和限制. 了解更多信息, review your military service website for details on your eligibility and the process for requesting assistance.

    ° 海岸警卫队

3.  完成 BG真人大游APP 招生要求.
4.  Enroll in a program of study and get a class schedule through an appointment in the 咨询中心 在bg真人游戏注册. 
5.  Apply for the Pell Grant by using the FAFSA形式
6.  Submit your TA request with the 学位课程 and class schedule through your respective branch portal. 
7.  Submit your TA authorization to bg真人游戏注册 Student Accounts to be processed with established procedures.
    ° The Student Accounts office will apply your tuition coverage to your account in the amount of the TA authorization. You are responsible for the payment of fees and any remaining tuition balance.


退伍军人权利法》® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. 政府网站.
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U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
888 - gibill - 1

P.O. 8888箱